
Site Config

theme.tiki.org configuration and other changes, including site additions and set-up changes.

Various preference changes

Marc Laporte Tuesday 15 of September, 2009

Turning off most experimental feature: feature_ajax & feature_jquery disabled to be like other *.tw.o sites. But Search Engine Friendly URLs are activated everywhere.

feature_messages: disabled (mailbox should be on tw.o)
feature_newsreader: disabled

Site updated to Tiki 3

Gary Cunningham-Lee Thursday 27 of August, 2009

The site has finally been updated to Tiki 3. Actually the files are from the "proposed" branch which will be released as Tiki 3.2. To demo the older Tiki 2 themes, I made a new installation at /t2 and am using a shadowbox popup window to display the themes of that Tiki 2 installation (see Tiki_2-bundled_themes ).

Apart from replacing old theme files and activating wiki structures and wiki plugins that we want to use, I haven't made any configuration changes since the update. I did add some site header custom code to display the "other project sites" links at the page top. This displays in all themes except Tikipedia, where it conflicts with the top menu. A Smarty filter in the custom code prevents it from displaying in Tikipedia.

I want to update the site content appropriately. One of the first things will be to play down the PHP Layers menu demos, as they aren't such a big deal now, quite a few months after Tiki 2 was released. When things are ready (new modules need to be made, etc.), probably PHP Layers menus will be turned off, replaced by CSS (suckerfish) menus.

Turning some stuff on & off

Marc Laporte Saturday 25 of October, 2008

I disabled some experimental features:

disabled feature_charts
disabled feature_drawings
disabled feature_friends
disabled feature_games
disabled feature_mailin
disabled feature_mobile
disabled feature_sheet

I enabled blog comments:
enabled feature_blogposts_comments

List authors in wiki pages: disabled to make cleaner

Menu demos updated

Gary Cunningham-Lee Saturday 25 of October, 2008

Since TikiWiki 2 supports more than one PHP Layers menu at a time, there was no need to continue using the filtering code in the menu module, so it was commented out and can be deleted. I also updated the menu demo pages and in particular removed the tables showing browser and theme behavior. I believe the menus work fine in all compatible themes and in all browsers.

The next step will be to add demos and docs for CSS (suckerfish) menus.

Theme-specific Site Identity custom code enabled

Gary Cunningham-Lee Thursday 18 of October, 2007

As we move toward making Site Identity activated by default, I've found that SI custom code needs to vary quite a bit depending on the theme. To accomodate this here at the theme demo site, I replaced the one-code-for-all data input in the SI configuration page with an include statement:

missing page for plugin INCLUDE
This loads a default file in /templates, the content of which used to be the data input in the config box. To make a site-wide change in the custom code, edit this file rather than changing the data input on the SI admin page.

Now there can be a sicustomcode.tpl file in a theme's template directory if that theme needs its own SI custom code. I realize this is a step backward from the no-template-editing, Web-based customization emphasis of Site Identity, but something like this is needed at a site that has SI enabled and uses and needs to accomodate multiple themes. I have more themes in the pipeline that need to specify unique SI custom code.

In future theme releases, which will all use SI, a sicustomcode.tpl file will be included. Users can either use the include statement method, or paste the content of the file into the SI custom code textarea and then edit it as they want. The tpl file will be a backup/reference in that case.

-- Gary

Completing Theme-o-rama module

Marc Laporte Monday 20 of August, 2007

greenmetal.css & jello.css were missing from Theme-o-rama module

and Gary added BRTiki.css lately

I just removed vidiki.css because it's being pulled out of Tiki. (broken & unmaintained)

changed a few pages to lowercase

Marc Laporte Monday 20 of August, 2007

PhpLayersMenu horizontal -> phplayersmenu horizontal
PhpLayersMenu vertical -> phplayersmenu vertical


Most places in Tiki, page names are case insensitive, which is good. But I was having trouble with some Smart code in modules. It wasn't always doing what I wanted.

The plus (+) vs space ( ) also can cause confusion.


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Site Config