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New Themes

Kubrick v2(1.10) some usage issues

posts: 12 United Kingdom

I've been trying out the 'new' Kubrick theme in RC4 (now that I've found it (:redface😊) and have spotted a few issues.

The first is somewhat trivial but in FF2 the footer row/divs do not seem to align perfectly with the rest of the screen - its just a pixel or so out on either side and I'm not sure what is causing it. The footerbg and headerbg jpg's are exactly the same width, so I'm gussing it needs a tweak in the css somewhere?

The other issues are all IE6 related - first of all there didn't seem to be a Kubrick specific ie6.css in the download, the header.tpl just refs the a css/ie6.css - but Kubrick seems to give a lot of different behaviours with IE6 - as shown in the attached screenshot. There is still the small step with the footer area (same as FF2) but there are some more significant mis-alignments with the area just above the page title and all along the right hand side. The box details in the right hand column are quite different too.

Any help/updates for this would be appreciated



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