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Re: Re: Tikipedia Problems

posts: 1
1) Pages are too wide in FireFox (but okay in IE).

I also prefer FireFox as default browser. The thing with the horizontal scrollbar is easy to fix:

  1. Go to the tikipedia.css in your styles folder
  2. Search for /******************** General Layout Styles (Classes and IDs) ********************/
  3. You will see this text:
    div#tiki-main {
    width: 100%;
    margin: 0;
    padding: 0;
  4. Change the witdh to 98%
  5. Don't forget to refresh your page (Strg-Shift-R in Firefox)
  6. Enjoy the new look


Thanks for that.. Just installed and want to use tikipedia from the beggining (one reason I liked tikiwiki.. Clean interface but good feature set) and this immediately was obvious..

100% fix and easy.

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