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Tiki Design

Tiki Design

description of a page in tiki-print_multi_pages.tpl

posts: 2


I use the feature_wiki_description acitvate in my theme. What I need is to make a PDF of a strcture which contains hundred wiki pages. The tiki-print_multi_pages.tpl doing that and it's perfect.
But I want to display the description instead of the title, and tiki-print_multi_pages.tpldoesn't allow me to do that.
I'm looking for a way to do that in this template. The code work well for the name, and what I want is ti do the same with desciption. I've tried to replace

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But It doesn't work. Any tips to customize this code?

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{section name=ix loop=$pages} {$pages[ix].pageName} {$pages[ix].parsed} {/section}

Best regards,


posts: 254 Japan


Maybe you should post on the tikiwiki-devel mailing list (see the link on http://tikiwiki.org/Mailing+lists). More devs will see your question there, so there's a better chance of an answer.

-- Gary

posts: 2

{QUOTE(replyto=>chibaguy)Maybe you should post on the tikiwiki-devel mailing list (see the link on http://tikiwiki.org/Mailing+lists). More devs will see your question there, so there's a better chance of an answer.{QUOTE}
Ok... I'll do it now...

Thanks for the tip



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