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New Themes

Re: Re: Mittwoch Errors

posts: 254 Japan
(Sorry, content mistakenly deleted by Gary.)

I replied to your post while logged in as admin and mistakenly hit the "edit" rather than "reply" link, so over-wrote your message. Man, do I feel dumb. Anyway, you said you got the beta version and saw the same errors, and asked if the Mittwoch for 1.10 files would be put on this site....

Yes, I'll commit the files to the TikiWiki Subversion repository (for themes) — Mods/themes/ — and make snapshots and put them in the file gallery here.

By the way, what browser version are you using? By mozilla do you mean Firefox? I normally check themes with Firefox (haven't upgraded to FF3 yet, though), Opera 9.5, IE6 and IE, and will keep an eye out for these problems.

-- Gary

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