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Tiki Design

Tiki Design

Re: TikiWiki 1.10 Help! Top-menu.tpl? Strange behavior

posts: 17 United States

Further information as I learn more:

The layout is controlled by the "tiki.tpl" file in the Tikipedia directory. In this TPL is a check for "$feature_top_bar". This wraps around a call to the file "tiki-top_menu.tpl" in the Tikipedia directory.

For some reason in the fresh deploy, this check is failing. I've confirmed in the database, in table "tiki_preferences" that the "feature_top_bar" value is set to "y". For whatever reason in the fresh deploy, this value is not being retrieved (confirmed by placing debug output before and after the if condition).

So, the question is, why in a fresh deploy would this value not be retrieved correctly but is working fine in an upgraded environment?

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