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Re: Re: Menus and kubrick

posts: 12 Finland
I changed few paddings and margins and Firefox 1.51, latest Safari an Opera 8.5 they all working perfect. Only IE and those dropdown menus don't work.😊

That's good. I'll save your CSS file next time I visit your site and compare the changes.

I don't have Safari to check with but stopped in at a computer shop and used one of their Macs to look at this site. The visual quality of the Mac display — how the text is rendered and so on — was very nice. But I was a bit shocked to see the side column and center column of the Kubrick page sharing the space about 50%/50%. Don't know why the sidecolumn spread out so much as both the column and the modules boxes have explicit widths. But it's another thing to work on when I have time. The Planetfall theme worked as expected.

I still intend to try to find out what's happening with your phplayers menu in IE. These puzzles intrigue me. 😉.

-- Gary

That 50/50 problem was solvet too in my site...😛

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