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Tiki Design

Re: Re: Re: A Big Idea

posts: 3
In my opinion, the CSS style sheets aren't the big problem. Most of the errors I've seen are minimal and easily fixed. The big problem (IMHO) is that the TPL files create poorly constructed HTML.

That's what I'm figuring out now, which is why I'm trying to sound the depth of the interest in real solutions. It appears that there isn't a serious effort underway on this front yet, so I'm leaning toward dropping the Tiki idea altogether. It has a lot of promise, but this is really a deal-breaker for me.

Just as an aside.... The Section 508 requirements are for the US. Does anyone know if there are similar requirements for the EU?

Yes, there are. I think they're officially called Priority 1, Priority 2, and Priority 3, with a phase-in period for compliance, and they seem to line up more or less with the WAI "A, AA, AAA" ratings.

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