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History: Transition to Bootstrap - 2013

Preview of version: 39 (current)

To implement responsive web design and to clean up and unify Tiki's CSS classes, the Bootstrap CSS framework has been integrated into Tiki.

With this change, producing a theme for a Tiki web site can be as simple as generating a custom bootstrap.css file. Bootstrap theme files for other blog or CMS platforms can work with Tiki more or less, depending on the degree to which they rely on native Bootstrap CSS classes rather than theme-specific HTML. Tiki themes are being updated to be Bootstrap-compatible, and there will be documentation to guide others wanting to update their older themes.

Find a list of the members of "Team Bootstrap" (who are some of the people helping to implement Bootstrap in Tiki):
Bootstrap Team on tiki.org

More about the Bootstrap framework: getbootstrap.com

In these video clips, Gary Cunningham-Lee, a long-time Tiki aficionado, talks about the "bootstrap integration"
whereby Tiki implements responsive web design and so can be viewed and interacted with using devices ranging in size from PCs down to phones and other hand-helds:
{SLIDER(titles="Bootstrap (Six-minute version)|Bootstrap (Two-minute version)|" width="100%" height="auto" resizecontents="n" buildarrows="y" buildnavigation="y" buildstartstop="y" togglearrows="y" togglecontrols="n" enablearrows="y" enablenavigation="y" enablestartstop="y" enablekeyboard="y" autoplay="y" autoplaylocked="n" autoplaydelayed="y" pauseonhover="y" stopatend="n" delay="15000" resumeonvideoend="y" animationtime="1000")}

Gary Cunningham-Lee (6 mins)
About Bootstrap


Gary Cunningham-Lee (2 mins)
About Bootstrap integration


Testing and examples

Currently several Tiki project sites are updated to Tiki 13, which incorporates Bootstrap. Soon this site will be updated to Tiki 14 (using Bootstrap 3.3.4), and the others are to follow, with associated improvements and fixes.

November Montreal-Ottawa TikiFest Bootstrap Blog

Some reporting from the Montreal and Ottawa TikiHouses: TikiFest Blog (mostly summarizing the Big Blue Button sessions).

Useful Tools and Resources

Please access the many Bootstrap-related resources on the web. In general these will be applicable for themes for Tiki.


Information Version
Thu 20 of Apr, 2017 09:49 GMT-0000 Gary Cunningham-Lee 39
Fri 03 of Apr, 2015 13:20 GMT-0000 Gary Cunningham-Lee Updated information, removed out of date information. 38
Sat 20 of Sep, 2014 16:58 GMT-0000 Jonny Bradley disabled wiki cache 37
Sat 16 of Aug, 2014 12:21 GMT-0000 Gary Cunningham-Lee Centering fixed. 36
Thu 14 of Aug, 2014 04:34 GMT-0000 Gary Cunningham-Lee 35
Thu 14 of Aug, 2014 04:32 GMT-0000 Gary Cunningham-Lee 34
Thu 14 of Aug, 2014 04:30 GMT-0000 Gary Cunningham-Lee 33
Thu 14 of Aug, 2014 04:30 GMT-0000 Gary Cunningham-Lee 32
Thu 14 of Aug, 2014 04:27 GMT-0000 Gary Cunningham-Lee Some text editing. 31
Thu 14 of Aug, 2014 04:24 GMT-0000 Gary Cunningham-Lee Some text moved out of first slider panel. 30
Thu 14 of Aug, 2014 04:19 GMT-0000 Gary Cunningham-Lee 29
Thu 14 of Aug, 2014 04:15 GMT-0000 Gary Cunningham-Lee Slider plugin added at the request of Daniel. 28
Tue 22 of Apr, 2014 22:52 GMT-0000 luciash d' being ?‍♂️ 27
Sun 08 of Dec, 2013 12:37 GMT-0000 Gary Cunningham-Lee Fixed link. 26
Sun 08 of Dec, 2013 12:34 GMT-0000 Gary Cunningham-Lee Replaced image with much smaller file. 25
Sun 08 of Dec, 2013 11:48 GMT-0000 Gary Cunningham-Lee Intro added and updated. 24
Sun 08 of Dec, 2013 11:21 GMT-0000 Gary Cunningham-Lee Changed link to zukakakina.com while Torsten's site is offline. 23
Wed 20 of Nov, 2013 17:38 GMT-0000 Nelson Ko 22
Wed 20 of Nov, 2013 17:38 GMT-0000 Nelson Ko 21
Wed 20 of Nov, 2013 17:09 GMT-0000 Gary Cunningham-Lee Blog link added. 20
Wed 20 of Nov, 2013 15:39 GMT-0000 Nelson Ko 19
Wed 20 of Nov, 2013 15:28 GMT-0000 Nelson Ko 18
Tue 29 of Oct, 2013 03:33 GMT-0000 Torsten Fabricius 17
Tue 29 of Oct, 2013 02:53 GMT-0000 Torsten Fabricius added link to Menu Revamp on dev.t.o 16
Fri 25 of Oct, 2013 15:55 GMT-0000 Torsten Fabricius 15
Fri 25 of Oct, 2013 15:53 GMT-0000 Torsten Fabricius 14
Fri 25 of Oct, 2013 15:53 GMT-0000 Torsten Fabricius must test img - too wide! 13
Fri 25 of Oct, 2013 15:49 GMT-0000 Torsten Fabricius ahhh sorrrrry!!!! should be done now! 12
Fri 25 of Oct, 2013 15:48 GMT-0000 Torsten Fabricius making typo better <:-O 11
Fri 25 of Oct, 2013 15:46 GMT-0000 Torsten Fabricius me: dumb encore? 10
Fri 25 of Oct, 2013 15:43 GMT-0000 Torsten Fabricius added 2 links and a div with a toc 9
Mon 30 of Sep, 2013 14:30 GMT-0000 Gary Cunningham-Lee Updated download link and info page link. 8
Thu 06 of Jun, 2013 22:11 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte 7
Thu 09 of May, 2013 15:15 GMT-0000 Daniel Gauthier 6
Fri 03 of May, 2013 04:57 GMT-0000 Daniel Gauthier 5
Fri 03 of May, 2013 04:53 GMT-0000 Daniel Gauthier 4
Tue 30 of Apr, 2013 02:20 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte 3
Sun 21 of Apr, 2013 21:56 GMT-0000 luciash d' being ?‍♂️ 2
Sun 21 of Apr, 2013 21:51 GMT-0000 luciash d' being ?‍♂️ 1