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Common Color Contrast Issues and Fixes

The table below is based on issues that came up more often than others (as the WAVE accessibility browser extension shows, at right) when checking and improving color contrast in Bootstrap themes adapted for or made for Tiki. The information could be useful if the same things need to be fixed in new theme adaptations, etc. The fixes aren't described specifically as it depends on the theme but generally involves changing the color (WAVE has a color value slider to find a passing value) and then editing the SCSS color variable and recompiling the theme or specifying a CSS variable. The info here will be updated as needed. Please edit the page or post on Matrix if you have something to add or change.

Common color contrast problems (with link to Bootstrap documentation) Class or tag SCSS variable Bootstrap default value CSS variable, etc.
Note: the standard syntax (two initial hyphens) has been changed here to avoid being interpreted as a strike-through tag.)
form valid text .valid-feedback $form-valid-color $form-feedback-valid-color ( $success ) - -bs-form-valid-color (#198754) This doesn't have enough contrast so needs to be darkened (in light mode).
form invalid text .invalid-feedback $form-invalid-color $form-feedback-invalid-color ( $danger ) - -bs-form-invalid-color (#dc3545) This doesn't have enough contrast so needs to be darkened (in light mode).
blockquote footer .blockquote-footer $blockquote-footer-color $gray-600 (#6C757DFF) none This doesn't have enough contrast so needs to be darkened (in light mode).
inline code <code> $code-color, $body-secondary-bg $pink (overridden in Tiki's themes/default/scss/_variables.scss with $body-color) - -bs-secondary-bg (background) Not usually a problem
highlighted text <mark> , .mark $mark-color , $mark-bg $body-color
- -bs-highlight-color (#212529)
- -bs-highlight-bg (#fff3cd)
Sometimes the background color needs to be changed to work with the theme's body color.
pagination .page-link $pagination-color
$pagination-bg and related variables
- -bs-pagination-color
- -bs-pagination-bg
See also: pagination variables
Not a problem if Bootstrap defaults are used, but some themes specify colors that don't provide good contrast.
text colors .text-primary , etc. $primary $blue (#0d6efd) - -bs-primary , etc.
for example:
 .text-primary {
    - -bs-text-opacity: 1;
    color: rgba(var(- -bs-primary-rgb),
              var(- -bs-text-opacity));
The problem is that these colors need to have good contrast against their background but they use the theme colors, which are more often used as background colors and maybe shouldn't be darkened. One solution that could be used is to make new CSS rules for .text-primary, etc. rather than changing the theme colors. But these aren't normally used in Tiki as far as I know.
badges span.badge for example:
<span class="badge bg-secondary">
$badge-color (for the text; the background is set by a background color class ) $white For example:
.badge {
    color: #fff; }
.bg-secondary {
    - -bs-bg-opacity: 1;
    background-color: rgba(var(- -bs-secondary-rgb),
        var(- -bs-bg-opacity));
I haven't bothered with this one because it isn't used much in Tiki except for class="badge bg-secondary" used for counters in forum post listings, etc.
Common color contrast problems (with link to Bootstrap documentation) Class or tag SCSS variable Bootstrap default value CSS variable, etc. Notes

Page last modified on Friday 05 of July, 2024 08:48:55 GMT-0000