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Tiki Design

Tiki Design

Re: Overview of templates for creating an own theme

posts: 254 Japan

Sorry, no list like that exists, as far as I know. When I've needed to, I've looked through the templates to find how they fit together, starting with, for example, tiki-view_forum_thread.tpl and searching through it to find other .tpl files that are included.

But for most things related to CSS it isn't necessary to know which template is involved. After all, when one template file includes another one, they essentially become one block of code. If you need to change the layout, more than CSS can manage, then it's necessary to modify the template and so of course you need to find out which one, and where.

These things are really in flux these days. Well, branch 2.0 is pretty stable, but trunk (which will be Tiki 3) is getting lots of changes that would make it hard to keep a list up to date.

-- Gary

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