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New Themes

New Themes

Premature euphoria about new plugins?

posts: 11

Hi Gary,

I thought the new plugins introduced with the new Tikipedia theme may solve some of the issues I have been grappling with — but maybe I spoke too soon.

I am still pre-occupied with introduction of dynamic photos into wiki pages. I wonder if you are familiar with any "plugin" or any feature in any of the various themes that would be able to solve the issue I presented in the main forum:

While my goal would be individual wiki pages, as a first trial, I introduced the php scripts, similar to those included in the " test-page", in the aforementioned link into the "tpl" pages associated with the wiki pages. Unfortunately, the script did not work, as it is truncated (to disable script) once the tpl page was saved.

There is a sample portion of the "php script" (found scattered all over tha page) in the " test-page", cited in the above link to the forum post.

Since the "php script" was introduced to a "tpl" pages in the wiki (header.tpl, tiki-show_page.tpl, etc.), can this be solved by converting the "php script" to "Smarty"? How? [If this work, it will be useful for "global" introductionn of random dynamic pics that will show in all wiki pages.]

However, even if the above works, the key issue would still be how to introduce the dynamic photos in specific (rather than global) wiki pages.

Is there any specific plugin in the new Tikipedia theme (adaptable to the other themes) that could address the aforementioned goal?



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