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Re: Re: Twist Theme -> Disappearing Menu Modules

posts: 254 Japan

The challenge with themes that have their own template files is that the default files (and files they interact with one way or another) get modified from time to time as part of the core code, but the custom files don't unless the author or some other maintainer makes the effort. The Twist files haven't been touched for quite a few months, and there has been a lot of change in the core files, and even more taking into account the differences between 1.9 and 1.10 versions.

I guess one approach to updating the custom files is to compare the 1.8 or whatever files that they were derived from to the current 1.10 files, and then see what customization was done to the 1.8 files to make the Twist versions and try to reimplement that in the 1.10 default versions. Or just go with the 1.10 files as a start and see how to make the change for Twist based on a kind of visual comparison (special icons in the menus, for example).

I'm kind of in a pragmatic mode these days, so am tempted to forego most customization and just use the 1.10 files as much as possible, because they have a lot of changes from before and also because they are still in flux, so any customization for a theme might well break unless changes are kept in synch.

-- Gary

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