Re: Look of topics and posts using default2.css
Hi Gary, thank you for your answer 😊! I had just had the idea to change the "Use transition style sheet from version:" and tried out all - actually the "Use version @:x.xx specified in theme.css or 1.9 if not specified" is selected, but the right CSS (as I know now from you 😉) is not loaded or at least I see no difference in the forums (the postings-list) style. - After changing the selection I did always clear the cache. -
Is there the possibility, that the needed CSS is missing? I also tried to compare the files between my old 1.9.11 and the new 2.1 version, but can't find no - or let's say maybe not the evident difference.
I'll try to search there a little more ... Could you perhaps give me a tip where or after what I should look for?
Thanks in advance, Rontu