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Tiki Design

Tiki Design

Just the info I needed, one more question.....

posts: 11

Thanks! With the info you provided, I was able to find it and get most of it working. Also, great tip on the firebug extension, I wasnt aware of it and I can see how useful it is.....

I was able to shade most, but not all...for example with the information you gave me above, I was able to get this to shade.....

which I would have thought then that all tracker displays would then shade....

but for some reason, this one doesnt shade.....

Not only does it not shade when viewed in a wikipage, but it also doesnt shade when viewing it within trackerlist....I cant seem to nail down why it doesnt shade, except for one little piece of the puzzle...

When I use your firebug plugin on firefox and inspect the element of the above, I do not see td even listed anywhere....whereas on the wiki listed above that does shade, I do see both td even and td odd.....probably has something to do with it, but I cant seem to move any further on a solution....

any ideas?

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