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New Themes

New Themes

Re: 3 Themes!

posts: 6

I do like the StarTrek blue, but since my game got a scifi setting that's not starTrek, I'd not like to call it that or add an NCC-1701 to the main screen. But this theme is almost what i was looking for.

I uploaded an example image of what i would assemble the SciFi theme from. The space with stars is the page background, the main page is placed onto the light red semi-transparent, menu boxes, ect. are red and have "glowing" text inside. The image looks crude, because i am no artist and usualy use Photoshop only for scientific purpose, but i guess the idea can be understood. We would need someone to re-make the plates of red crystal, but i guess my stars background is good enough.

What pictures would you need to generate a theme? Things like lower_left.jpg and upper_right.jpg I could get a friend of mine to do professional graphics and cut it for you, so you just have to adjust the style and pzuule it together into a page?

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