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    SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 unknown table 'themes_tiki_org_main_6620aca802169' in delete request
New Themes

New Themes

Re: Wikipedia Theme for Wiki 2.0 / Big font in title (see pic) / Horizontal lines appearing.

posts: 254 Japan

Sorry but I don't see a pic to check. The page title in the Tikipedia theme (version for TikiWiki 2 — be sure to use this version and not the one specified for Tiki 1.9 and older), is the normal font size, plus a strong tag, so I don't know what would cause it to appear larger. You should be sure to clear your caches (tiki-admin_system.php) between theme changes if there is some strange appearance.

Also I'm not sure what line you're referring to. Please post a link to an image or attach the image (I moved your post to the New Themes forum, which accepts attachments.)

-- Gary

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