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New Themes

Re: New Stuff With PlanetFall

posts: 254 Japan

I just upload my own header this when i realized that my site width is much more smaller than the demo width(:frown😊

the heder was cut and not complete in the box search area ...

but the prb is that my site is too much smaller than the demo looks like also there is somthing missing should i do it or it's from the theme the silver menu that seprate between the header and the rest of the site .. ? how could i have one like it ? why my site is small(:confused😊 is there different version of planetfall theme ?

No, there's just one version. Something must have gotten broken in your installation, I guess. Did you insert your graphic file as described on Planetfall_customizing? You should have uploaded a file called "header_logo.jpg", and if it is the same size as the default graphic, it should fit in the same space. Or is the logo graphic OK but something else is causing the problem?

I don't exactly understand what has happened with your site. Could you give a link or show a screenshot or something?

-- Gary

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