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    SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 unknown table 'themes_tiki_org_main_662f2d31c33d4' in delete request
New Themes

New Themes

Zuka in IE7

posts: 254 Japan

I just installed MS Internet Explorer 7 on our home computer and had a chance to look at Zuka and the other themes. There's a number of things to fix, but I hope it won't take too long.

The other lite.css/simple.css-type themes mainly have one basic problem in IE7: the right column displays at the far left, on top of the left column. This should be fairly easy to straighten out.

By "other themes" I mean simple.css itself and some that I'm working on related to it, including Aalphadivs (for prototyping/learning only), Andreas09 (coming real soon), and others.

The thumbnails in the gallery pages can overlap the right column in IE7 in styles that don't have a table in the center column to contain the images, so this has to be fixed, and could be more difficult.

At first glance, Zuka has quite a few layout glitches in IE7 but hopefully they are mostly instances of one or a few problems and can be dealt with as a group.

-- Gary

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