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Site Config

theme.tiki.org configuration and other changes, including site additions and set-up changes.

Site updated to Tiki 14 beta

Gary Cunningham-Lee Tuesday 21 of April, 2015

Themes.tiki.org is now using the Tiki 14 beta release. This version continues with further integration of the Bootstrap CSS framework, and other enhancements such as to trackers. The general reaction when a Tiki site is upgraded to Tiki 13 (the first release incorporating Bootstrap) or 14 is very positive, I think it's fair to say. The page generally opens up with larger text and more white space, in step with current web design and the trend to higher-resolution displays.

In parallel with the version upgrade, the content of this site is being organized, with old information that has only historical usefulness being categorized as "retired" and not available except to logged-in users.

New content about the revamped arrangement of theme-related files and about making themes for Tiki in this Bootstrap era is also being added, and will continue to be, in more detail. My own impression is that updating an old (pre-Tiki 13) theme to a current version is an easier upgrade process than has usually been the case between big-change Tiki versions. This is due to the ease of using Less variables. The procedure will be spelled out in detail shortly.

We'll also be taking a look at converting a "Bootstrap 3" theme from WordPress or Joomla, etc.to Tiki.

Configurable header buttons in XtratoVeil layout

Gary Cunningham-Lee Wednesday 17 of October, 2012

The XtratoVeil design has a header with four buttons. In the original design, these are part of a Flash file, but for Tiki I thought we should stay with normal HTML so site admins could customize it easily. The "screen" area on the right of the header gets its content from Look and Feel custom site header text area. To make the four buttons to the left of the screen easy to program, in the tiki-site_header_options.tpl file for this theme there is

Copy to clipboard
< div class="site_header_right_button" id="site_header_right_button1" > {wiki}{content label=siteheader_button1}{/wiki} < /div >

(four times of course, once for each button). Then the site admin can go to the Dynamic Content system (tiki-list_contents.php) and make four items with labels "site_header_right_button1", etc., and program each of these with a link for something.

Only a few characters will fit in the button space, so probably an image should be used as an icon. These could actually be from the XtratoVeil design, or from FamFam or some other collection.

(The XtratoVeil theme is just about ready, and will probably be available when Tiki 4 is released.)

Site upgraded to Tiki 2.1

Gary Cunningham-Lee Sunday 16 of October, 2011

I upgraded the site and added new and updated themes. There is a page for each theme, mostly displaying an included Sample Page. I'll try to add specific information for the themes.

The docs for configuring Look & Feel in Tiki 2 need to be improved. This should be a doc.tw.o but maybe relevant info here also. And docs on theme modification need to be added for each theme, as necessary.

The phpl menu is too wide for a few of the narrow themes, so I'll make a narrower one and put in their templates.

Transition to Tiki 5

Gary Cunningham-Lee Wednesday 13 of April, 2011

Not all the theme files at this site have been updated to Tiki 5, and Tiki 5 itself is still in flux, so as the page-top note says, there could be some weirdness happening.

The Judy theme in particular needs updating. The site header items were overlapping the theme-switching module, which made escape from the theme problematic, so I moved that module down a position and moved Registration info up one. Now it should be possible to switch themes using the module even in the Judy theme.

-- Gary


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Site Config